Parents, this weekend take a second to check in with you child about their research project.  At this point, most students should be very close to finished.  When you look at their research gathering sheets, you should see three different colors of paper stapled together. Each color represents all the gathered information for one topic, which will also be one body paragraph.

The rule of thumb is that each topic (paragraph) needs to be researched using three resources (one of which needs to be an actual book), and students need to gather seven facts per resource per topic.  In other words, a "fully" researched topic will have three sets of seven facts, or 21 facts.  Since each student is researching three topics (early life, importance, legacy, causes, etc.), a fully researched paper will have 63 facts.  Some of these facts will be repeated because multiple sources reported the same facts.

Early next week (Monday or Tuesday, depending on how today's research goes) we will move on from gathering information to the actual writing of the paper.

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