Usually one or two night a week your child should have a little bit of reading homework.  They need to read on time and they need to understand what they read.  This might sound obvious, but for a number of students something isn't working.

Today we had a three question quiz covering obvious, basic facts from last night's reading.  Out of 21 students, seven didn't read, and nine more answered one of fewer questions correctly.  Hopefully, by working together we can make sure students are not only remembering their books and their homework, but also understanding what they read.

Sycamore has been updated with all Reading quizzes so far this year so you can see if there is a trend happening with your child.  

Please send me an email if you need further information or would like to work on a plan to improve your child's study skills.

Also, as you look at Sycamore, keep in mind that Reading is a standards-based class this year and students are not assessed based on the 100 point system, but on how well they understand concepts and demonstrate skills.  At this point, the overall grade you see is based only on your child's ability to summarize a narrative text using the story arc.  More content will follow shortly.
Students, go here to register your reading blog!
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse, 227 pgs.

I read the book Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse.  I finished this book on June 5, 2011.  This book is about a girl named Billie Jo and her troubles in life. 

What I liked about this book is that it's all poetry.  It gives the story a beat and it makes you slow down and think about the story.  When she is playing piano, the word seem to flow on the page and when the author wants something to stand out she puts it on it's own stanza.  I think that it is a really cool way to write especially when all the different poems together make a story. 

I liked the book Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse.  Its sad in some parts but its a really good book.  I would recommend this  book to others.