Hopefully this video is helpful to you.  I tried a number of things, but couldn't get the sound to record.  I still think you will be able to follow along, though.

Remember all you have to do is create a blog.  

You DO NOT have to:
- import Weebly posts yet
- set up the layout/deign of your blog
- configure the "settings" of your blog
- make any blog posts at all

Blogger Settings


Today, we will finally be setting up our Blogger-based Reading Blogs.  This will take a bit of work, but in the long run it will be better for you because the Blogger platform is more stable than the Weebly platform.

When you're setting up your blog, click on "Settings", then "Basic" and make sure your settings match the settings below.

I know it's really hard to read.  Your answers should be: No, No, Yes, No, No.  
Click here to download the expectations for your reading blog.

Feel free to print a copy at your house or to just keep referring to this post when you forget how to format a reading blog post.

Your Next Read


Now that independent reading has been introduced for the trimester, I thought some of you might like to use Your Next Read.  It's a website that recommends books to you.  All you have to do is type in the title of a book you like and it will tell you 8 (or more) books that are similar to the one you entered.  

I've used it myself a few times and I've always been really impressed with the results.  Parents, it isn't just for kid books either!  Actually, this site isn't aimed at kids at all, but it still works really well.

I've also included this link in the "quick links" section on the sidebar to the right and in the Helpful Tools page.  Happy hunting!

Reading Blogs


Today we will be creating the first section of your student websites.  Please follow Mr. Swedberg's instructions in order to complete the following three tasks in this order:
1) Sign in to your new website and follow the setup directions
2) Create a new "Reading Blog" page
3) Fill out the form below with the address of your Reading Blog page so Mr. Swedberg can know where to find the Reading Blog page.

If you finish all these tasks, you may use any extra time you have to play around with the design of your website, or you can work on your "I Am" Hand back in the classroom.

The Requirements:
  • All of the story arc must be present
  • Your story must be told from the first person in the form of journal entries
  • Your story must be at least ten entries long
  • Must be set during WWII
The Options:
  • Your journal entries may be poetry if you choose
  • Your story can be as long as you like
  • Think about including literary devices and symbolism to make your story more interesting