Bring in new or gently used stuffed animals tomorrow and Wednesday so we can give them to kids in poverty who have never had one!
Parents, I'd like to make sure that all the 6th graders have library cards at school tomorrow.  It can be theirs or they can use a parents' account if necessary.  In fact, they don't even need the card if they come with the sign in information.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) in class we are going to be reserving library books online so that instead of spending a Saturday at the library looking for a book that isn't there, you can just run in and grab what's waiting for you.

Parent Survey


Hello parents, 

If you haven't taken a second yet to respond to the parent survey, please do so.  We want to serve you well and we can do it better with your feedback.  Thank you!

Take the Parent Survey here.
Parents, check in with your kids to see how their poem is coming.  They are due this Friday and I'd like to make sure no one forgets!
Check it out!
Hopefully, next Wednesday you'll be more than half-way through with your independent reading goal for the second trimester.  Keep in mind, we had Christmas Break as part of this trimester, and it doesn't "count" toward your time, so it was like two weeks of extra reading time this trimester.  Did you use it?
The PTF allowed the Pacific Science Center to come to BCS today.  The in-class lesson for the 6th graders was all about electrical circuits.  Students made cars go forward and in reverse as well as turning on the lights.
Parents, can you let me know one way or the other if you will be able to make it to the 6th grade coronation ceremony this Friday?  It is the culmination of not only the 6th grade Relationships with Integrity curriculum, but really the entire K-6 curriculum.  

The purpose is to serve as a symbolic rite of passage for young men and women in their quest for holiness and purity.  Parents and guardians will be an important part of the ceremony when their children "give their hearts to them for protection".

We did it last year for the first time and it was a really great experience.  Can you email me and let me know if your child will have an adult at the ceremony for them?  It's okay if nobody can make it.  I'll be able to accept their "heart" on behalf of their parents.  Thank you!
We are in serious need of recess time slots being filled!  We have huge gaps during the months of January, February and March.  Please remember that 4 of your 30 parent participation hours are required to be recess.  If you are interested or just need to finally fill your hours, please contact the office ASAP!  This is much needed to help keep our kids safe at recess.  Please note that all spots for the months of April, May and June have already been filled.  We can't add any additional recess help for those dates, so please don't wait until the end to try to fill your hours. 

Thanks for your consideration,

BCS Office Staff
Sixth Grade Only:
Each student to bring one box of your favorite cereal.
Seventh Grade Only:
Students with last names ending in A-L bring one bottle or carton of 100% juice. Students with names ending in M-Z bring one gallon of milk.
Eighth Grade Only:
Each student to bring four pieces of fruit of your choice. Please bring in a plastic bag.
 Sleeping Bag and pillow
 Outdoor snow clothes (Remember extra socks). PLEASE LABEL THESE. Each year gear gets lost or taken by someone else.
 Indoor clothes
 Toothbrush and toothpaste
 Journal and pen
 Bible
 We may do a sunrise snowshoe hike, conditions permitting. If you would like to come along, bring snowshoes or $4.00 to rent snowshoes.
 Camera (if you like)
 Leave all electronic devices at home (cell phones are ok to bring)
 Leave snowboards and sleds at home. We have enough provided by The Firs.
 Board games you would like to play. (optional)