For those of you interested in designing your own video game this Summer, Stencyl is an option you might want to try.  I haven't used it myself, but it sounds like a very powerful tool, if you're willing to spend the time to get to know it.

"Good lighting in the black sky" is what you get when you use Google translate and pass "God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all" through 20 random languages and then back to English using Translation Telephone.

What do you get when you try it?
Check out Where Did My Tax Dollars Go to see a cool, personalized, and simple info-graphic about how our taxes are spent.

We had a great deal of fun today with all the skits that were presented.  I plan on posting them one at a time over the next few days so that they can each have the full spotlight for a while.  For now, here are some pictures from today.
Google Classic: Please Allow 30 Days for your Search Results

Draw Island


After seeing what some of you created with your Anything Projects, I thought I would share Draw Island with you.

It's a simple website that allows you to create your own moving cartoons.  Have fun creating!

For a Friday


Becky doesn't like school very much.  Press play to hear her plan to make it better.

For a Friday


This guy really hates pennies.  Do you?  Does he have good reasons?
As soon as I got home last night, I started uploading the 485 completely unedited photos I took on the retreat.  You can view them here.  The password is the same one we always use for school things.

I set it up so you can download any you want.  There is also an option to purchase them that you should just ignore.  I used the same gallery system I use for my photography business.
The other day, as I was researching resources to learn about the Pilgrims I came across the now infamous "They Were the Pilgrims" song.  It got stuck in my head, so I played it again the next day so I didn't have to suffer alone.

Then I guess I made a joke about waiting until your siblings were asleep and whispering the song in their ears to get it stuck in their heads too.  Well, today as we started class I was surprised to hear from about half the class as they shared their adventures of setting alarms for 3am, singing it over and over again during household chores, and other exploits in annoyance.  

Sorry.... kinda. :)