For a Friday


This guy really hates pennies.  Do you?  Does he have good reasons?

Search Tips


Tip 1:  Find Reliable Results with Sweet Search.

Sweet Search is a search engine like Google except the only websites it searches are reviewed and by professionals to make sure they will have true information in them.

Tip 2:  Find Accurate Results with Sortfix.

Sortfix will suggest popular search terms you didn't think of that you can use to refine your search query.  

Tip 3:  Find Readable Results with Google.

Google just released a feature that allows you to sort your search results into basic, intermediate, and advanced reading level.  Watch the video below to see how to do it.
Today we began the anything project.  It is a chance for student to be creative and self-directed as they create basically anything they want over the next two weeks.  Really, the only expectation is that writing plays a fairly important role in the process.  It will be due in 11 days on Monday the 31st.

For those of you who were absent today, have a look at some of the formats people thought they might try:

Possible Formats
Lego Movie
Audio Story
Questions and Answers
Short Story
Blog Post
Football Highlight Reel
Football Playbook
Graphic Novel
Animated Movie

Print two copies of your short story.

1)  Put the display copy on the stool in front of the classroom.
2)  Staple Mid-Revision Tracker to your graded copy.
3)  Mark sentence openers one more time on your graded final draft.

The following is a recording of Walter Cronkite delivering the news of King's assassination in 1968.
As soon as I got home last night, I started uploading the 485 completely unedited photos I took on the retreat.  You can view them here.  The password is the same one we always use for school things.

I set it up so you can download any you want.  There is also an option to purchase them that you should just ignore.  I used the same gallery system I use for my photography business.
Originally, we had talked about taking Spelling test 11 on Tuesday (the next school day after we missed our test day due to snow).  However, after such a long time away from school, I think it only makes sense that we have a day to get back into school mode, and that we take our spelling test on our normal spelling test day.  Therefore, Spelling Test 11 will happen Wednesday morning, and Practice Test 11 will be due on Wednesday as well.

Have a great long weekend!
...then we will have our scheduled spelling test over list 11 on the next school day.  Be prepared!
The other day, as I was researching resources to learn about the Pilgrims I came across the now infamous "They Were the Pilgrims" song.  It got stuck in my head, so I played it again the next day so I didn't have to suffer alone.

Then I guess I made a joke about waiting until your siblings were asleep and whispering the song in their ears to get it stuck in their heads too.  Well, today as we started class I was surprised to hear from about half the class as they shared their adventures of setting alarms for 3am, singing it over and over again during household chores, and other exploits in annoyance.  

Sorry.... kinda. :)
Don't forget to turn in the bright pink insurance forms on Monday, if you haven't turned it in yet.  Have a great weekend!