Book Critique Format
Exceeding Expectations 
I can write a book critique using the EIW critique format with the addition of insightfully comparing one book to another. 

 Meeting Expectations
I wrote a book critique using the EIW critique format. 

Making Progress
I wrote a book critique using the EIW critique format, but may have missed a section,or given incomplete or inaccurate information. 

Not Yet
With help, partial success at score 2.0 content and score 3.0 content.  

Sentence Openers
Exceeding Expectations
I can  evalute and rate use of sentence openers on writing samples, defending reasoning.

Meeting Expectations
I fluently used a variety of sentence openers (6) in major writing assignments, where at least 50% of openers are a variety other than subject.

Making Progress
I used 4-5 types of sentence openers consistently, but they tend to be overused, or not used fluently.

Not Yet
With help, partial success at score 2.0 content and score 3.0 content.  

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