Check out these examples of Keyword Outlines and Summaries to see how you can improve your own work.

Remember: An effective Keyword Outline can contain up to 3 words, 2 abbreviations, 2 symbols, and unlimited numbers.

This person underlined their transitions and marked their sentence openers in the right hand column.

This person wrote a topic sentence that tells what the whole paragraph will be about.

These people did very well in some areas, but also made a very common mistake.  The topic sentence of the first starts with "Here are some facts..." and the second starts with "This paragraph is how".  Some other people made the same mistake by starting with "This paragraph is about..." or "This has lots of facts..."

Remember:  Don't refer to your own paragraph in your topic sentence.  Take a look at the two paragraphs above to see what you might have written instead.

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